DEATH   by Meirav Rath

Death came to visit Randal that day. Actually Death couldn't care less for what he came for, he just wanted to finish this annoying business and get back to his castle already. Back in his castle awaited him some "interesting" vampires and he intended to finish this and go there!
This morning, when Death woke up he got a message (from the Grim Reaper, that's how Death works these ways, with messengers) about an annoying Ghost who refuses to obey the rules of ghost manners and is continuously appearing upon the land of the living, harassing his Chosen One. According to the Great Book of Ghost Manners, possessing is forbidden for any cause that isn't saving the life of the possessed one.
On Marty Hopkirks' list of crimes stood these two harsh accusations:
1. Possessing a human on the pure purpose of physical pleasure.
2. Using ghost skills (such as strong blowing power) for no other purpose then show off.
"Yes" sighed Death "Looks like we have some proud kiddow who thinks his Chosen One is a toy to keep him going". Not sure if his anger towards this detective is actually because of his crimes and not that because of this guy he's not in bed, with two hot vampires.
Jeff was sitting at his desk, eating some junk food and smoking a fag simultaneously. Death took him by surprise.
Jeffs' first glance at Death wasn't enough. He had to stop all he was doing and stare at Death. You can't blame him; Death looked quit like you'd expect him to. Black hair, shirt and pants and pale skin. But it's Deaths' face that seems to capture Jeffs' attention. Jeff found Death surprisingly beautiful, for a man that is. Jeff never thought of a man that way but this stranger that walked into his office and sat down changed him. Then, Death spoke.
"Hello. I heard your partner is dead" actually Death wanted to sound a bit more mysterious but frankly, he was not in the mood for shows. "Yes, he's been dead for some time, what of it?" "I hear he's not really resting in peace" Death leaned forward and stared long into Jeffs' eyes. Intending to make himself appear serious, he actually made Jeffs' confusion even worse eyes made his body shake and burst with excitement and the longing for something, something Jeff wasn't ready to face yet. But Death spoke of something Jeff tought only he knew of, so his senses jumped back in action to try and find out how this total stranger knows of Marty. "What do you mean he's not resting in peace, we buried him if that's what you mean…are you an angry family member? Would you like to know the facts about his death? I thought he wasn't a family man but I never tought anyone might be so interested they might get angry from knowing he's…" "I know about his death, I KNOW ALL" Death stopped Jeffs' long muttering. "What exactly do you think you know sir?"
"He's still around, you can see him, he's a ghost now!" the last thing Death had the patience for now is a dim-witted human. But this one was shocked from what he said, he knew what he meant, he WAS possessed by his partner, and the damned idiot had caused the poor Chosen One one nasty trauma. Still Jeff striked a chord in Deaths' heart. He found a good man, a simple man who's just trying to make a living and helping others. Death was surrounded with anything but good normal people and he missed that, he wanted to know more of Jeff, he lounged for some normal conversation. Deep down he hoped Jeff might take the place of those two vampires and to be honest he'd switch any sexy immortal for a normal human and a good hearted one…. but he wandered too much, he came here on a purpose, and pleasure (hopefully) is for later.
"Yes…. what of it?" poor Jeff was totally lost " He possessed you didn't he? He used your body to try and seduce his x-fiancée into bed didn't he?" "How do you know that?" "I happen to know a great deal about a lot of things" ("That's it! You saw Rocky Horror one time too many!" thought Death). Death, who already sounded angry, made striked at last "I have something that can help you, something that will prevent him from mischeafing further". From his pocket (and god knows how anyone can squeeze anything down the pocket of very tight vinyl pants…) came out a small box, black by color and with the most interesting pattern in bluish turquoise lines and curves, Death handed the strange box over to Jeff. Inside the little box was a ring. "Put this ring on you and you'll be able to make physical contact with Mr. Hopkirk" a bad choice of words? Death didn't mind he liked toying with the currently strait ones but to Jeff, this new situation made each and every word Death said sound different. His hands started to sweat. "What do you mean?" "From the moment you put the ring on Hopkirk will not be able to posses you. In fact you'll be able to effect him like nothing else, to the users of this ring ghosts are no longer something so weak it can go through everything, but something vivid". Charming or not, this man talked business, Jeff was getting annoyed by Martys' behavior in his body as if it's his own this ring will allow him to finely kick the living…out of him at the first sign of anything he doesn't like. Now that his task was maid Death could lean back and rest. Jeff had his ring on and couldn't take his eyes of it "How does it work?" he wanted to make sure this miracle he found will definitely work. "Oh, but I can't tell you, let's just say it's enchanted, a spell if you'd like to see it this way" Death smiled his most charming smile, the vampires were long gone, Death always had a taste for the living. Awkward silence. Jeff couldn't guess what was on Deaths' mind, well, actually he did but he knew himself to well to believe what he began feeling inside. Death loathed the feeling that he might be wrong or that his well known charm might not be working, not human, and only in the shape of a human male, still Deaths' ego was beginning to get hurt, he wouldn't let that be, he had to talk of something. "Junk food and a smoke? I see you want to be in your partners' position very quickly" "I'm not always like this" Jeff was mumbling again "Having a fag is not something I do so often". Having a WHAT?! Back from in The States, where Deaths' castle was, that meant something completely different and he couldn't hide his surprise and amusement and yet this was an opportunity he couldn't miss "Oh don't worry, times have changed and things like that are very acceptable". Jeffs' face was turning redder then Deaths' political tendencies and did so very quickly. If only he wouldn't feel this burn in his face he would still manage to make a normal sentence to comment that but he was dizzy, angry, happy, frightened and mesmerized all at once and that made it impossible to react in anyway that isn't siting and praying for this embarrassment to go away. And yet, thinking back at it, Jeff remembered Deaths' little smile when he commented and the knowing look he had, perhaps he knew what he was talking about. Perhaps, just perhaps, this man felt just what Jeff felt. Death couldn't wait longer, this case was not closed and actually he had not much to say or do here "Are there any good restaurants in this town?" "Umm, yeah, there's a really good one, it's a bit posh but the food is very good" an evening surrounded by fat capitalists didn't sound too appealing to Death but Jeff did "Great, I'll meet you there today at 8". Death got up and left the office with no further words. Jeff was left alone, to his red face, his sweaty hands, his new ring and his desperate attempt to comprehend the fact that he was just invited to a date…with a man.
Jeanni, on the other hand was about to meet Death in a totally different atmosphere. Standing at the Coven Garden bazaar he waited for a longer time then he thought he'd had to but he amused himself in watching the customers coming in, then going out again. From a distant Death saw HER looking at a scarf a few stands away from his. "So…" thought Death bitterly "They're both into blondes" WWII had a harsh influence over Death. Jeanni was nearing his stand so he had to wipe off his angry/jealous face off and put on his nice-and-yet-hypnotizing look, he had no patience for this party-pooper in blond. Jeannis' eye was immediately attracted to the same kind of ring Jeff got, could you blame her, she entered Deaths' hypnotism field and the ring was the only thing on his stand. "Oooh, what a lovely ring" Jeannis' brain was an easy thing to control "Yes, you want to buy this ring, you really want it, and you'll buy it and wear it FOREVER!" Death couldn't hide his scorn, he spoke slowly as if to a retarded person. The silver ring with a little turquoise stone in the middle shinned to Jeanni "I'll buy the ring, how much is it?". "Ah! clever girl, hypnotized and yet knows to keep a financial mind…oh well, maybe she's not that stupid….nahhh!" Death giggled quietly making himself terribly demonic. "The ring is one pound, a good deal don't you think?". Minutes later Jeanni was out of Deaths' dangerous influence but the ring was on her hand and from now on every time she'll look at it she'd think how pretty the ring is…. actually she hated turquoise…
Not only Death had a rude awakening (as much awakening as a ghost can have). Marty Hopkirk woke up with the worst feeling he ever felt, he felt danger, he felt intimidated, he felt like something very good was about to end, he felt like he's about to die…again. Wyvern approached him at the Limbo "You do know Deaths' got your Chosen One don't you?". WHAT?! He's dead?! But…that means…now Marty was frightened…then how come he's still here in the Limbo?! Shouldn't he be away by now to heaven or hell? Or perhaps he will be soon evacuated and these few minutes are his last ones?!. Wyvern noticed the fear on Martys' face "Death met your Chose One, god knows what they spoke of but I bet it has something to do with your bad behavior!" "Death what?!" sizzled Marty, the patronizing tone Wyvern used annoyed him. "Death can take the form of a human and walk the earth. He's responsible for vampires, zombies and ghosts now" "You mean Death doesn't take people with him when they die?!" Wyvern started to make sense and Marty wanted to get to the bottom of this "Hell no, something happened to him back in the war that made him get chills every time he's called 'The Angel Of Death' and he's stopped doing that, the Grim Reaper does that now. But that's not the point, you've broken some rules mister!" the patronizing tone was back, who does he think he is?! Marty was too stressed to show his usual respectful behavior towards Wyvern "What rules?" "You can't possess humans on a regular basis and in particular not for the purpose of your own pleasure! Everybody knows about that silly attempt of yours to gain your X-fiancée" "SHE'S STILL MY FIANC'EE!!!!" Wyvern knew too much and frankly was getting on Martys' nerves, he had to talk to Jeff.
He found Jeff staring at himself in the mirror "D'you think I need a shave?" Jeff sounded as hypnotized as Jeanni was, he wasn't really "Who cares?! Who did you talk to? Who was here?" the bad feeling Marty had early on came back, a chasm was created in his ghostly guts and he felt sick. Jeff stared at him for a moment, what did Marty mean? Was he watching the stranger talking to him? Did he see him stare at him? Did he see him blush? "Go on, get a grip on yourself, if you didn't see him he wasn't there! Besides, what can he do?! Tell on me?!". "A man was here, what is it to you, he was just for some case we had a long time ago, nothing special, what's the rush?" "Are you sure that's all? Jeff, you're lying to me! Someone met you!" "No one special met me today I told you!" Marty knows something, but what?. He's hiding something, but it's not from a need to conscript against me…. something was different in Jeffs' eyes when they talked about the man who saw him today and Marty sensed it! Jeff MUST know who he talked with and today he'll unmask Death, never mind what the cost. "I thought you'd like to know that the man you DID speak to today is Death himself! The Grim Reaper, the guy who leads you through the long tunnel with the light in the end of it…THE ANGEL OF DEATH!!!!!". "What?!" this can't be!!! What did he get himself into when he joint Hopkirk on his agency?! What crazy mystical adventures?! Ghosts?! Possessing?! Invisible villages stuck in time?! Angry criminal ghosts looking for family revenge and now, Death FLIRTED with him?! That was too much for Jeff, too much for one-day! He fainted.
Marty had other plans then to stand and stare at his foolish partner lying on the floor, he was off the face Death!.
Death was in Soho. From what he heard and saw this was a place too weird for him but what the heck, he wasn't in England since 1919 and it's about time he returns. Sitting in a café, the waiter eyed him in a way that made him think of the two vampires that are probably quit disappointed by now. But he must stay here and wait 'till this Hopkirk will come to him. Then, Death planned, they will have an educating talk and dear little Marty will behave himself, the whole business will be over by the afternoon and then, grinned Death, he'll have just enough time to get ready for the date he has. Death was daydreaming when Marty spotted him at the cafe. He couldn't mistake him for anything else, the way Marty saw him he was surrounded by a turquoise aura, his horns were visible even with the hat Death had on and a strong gut feeling spreading in Marty as he saw Death sitting, sipping his coffee.
"Death I presume?!" Marty gave his harshest look and his toughest-angry tone. Death looked up to the surprise of his life. In white, stood an angel! The symbol of true beauty, plump face, sweets features and blue eyes that captured him more then he was whiling to admit. Deaths' eyes were whid open and an enchanted smile grew on his face, pink spreaded in his cheeks, Death was falling in love. Death didn't answer him, he stared at him with a silly face and didn't seem to take him too seriously, he actually confused Marty. The stare wasn't a scorning one, not a patronizing one or one of a demon or anything, the look was soft, wandering, as if he saw the prettiest damn thing in the world, and Death did. All of Martys' defense systems broke, what can he say to THIS doing THAT?!. "Umm…. you saw my partner earlier this day?" let's just say Marty was cooler them Jeff, and he WAS a ghost, which immunized him from some of Deaths' charm…but not all of it. Even so he still had to get the hang of what was going on. "Look Kid, you've broken a couple of rules here, rules that must be kept or an anarchy of ghosts will be apon the world!". Marty didn't know Death, to him he was just a gothic young man with a lot of nerves that seems to think he'll control his life "Look, it's non of your business, Jeffs' at my fiancée!" "X –fiancée Marty, when will you get the hang of death?" Death didn't want to be too rude to Marty and in fact he found Marty so pretty he decided to go easy on him and attempt to make a move on him too. "I DON'T CARE!!! You can't tell me how to behave you…you…gothic…. freak…ANGEL OF DEATH!" Martys' anger made his tongue tumble into the biggest mistake he could have made. Suddenly Deaths' green eyes turned burning red, he was furious, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!" Death pounded on the table so hard it nearly broke but that wasn't enough. He leaned forward and grabbed Marty by the neck, pulling him with his strong, muscly army closely to his face. "You are nothing but a little ghost you hear me?! And I might start thinking the Limbo is too good for you, I could send you to hell you know! Don't mess with the boss little man!". Thrown back to his seat Marty sank there, frightened and obedient. Death took a long breath, that ghost can sure wreck a moment "I'll be here for some time now. I'll be watching your every move and if you make one small mistake it's the big fires for you!. Besides, you'll soon find out that harassing your poor friends won't be so easy" Marty panicked "What have you done with Jeanni?!" "Nothing, why? D'you think I should?" Death grinned as he realized just how harsh was his too-much-Rocky-Horror condition was. "Now go away, I'm trying to finish my coffee here!" Marty disappeared faster then he thought he could.
On her way to Jeffs' office Jeanni tried to get a glance at her new ring but every time she did so trying to think straight a taught whizzed trough her mind "That's a pretty ring" and a silly smiled passed across her face. What's wrong with her?! She went shopping for a dress to…."OH NO!!!" she forgot!!!. Today was the day she planned of, the day she will ask Jeff out on a date. "I'll play charming, as charming as I know I'll sweep him of his feet" Jeanni grinned as she neared the door of Jeffs' office. A big-shiny-happy "Hello!" was the start of her show in Jeffs' office but sadly Jeff didn't pay attention…he was on the floor. When he woke up he saw Deaths' face, they smiled at him and looked worried but out of Deaths' mouth came the voice of Jeanni, Jeff blinked and immediately reality popped back to life. Jeanni helped Jeff up to his chair and gave him a glass of water. "Are you alright? What made you faint?" Jeff couldn't remember but one shred of what happened before did whizzed through his mind, as he looked at the remains of a half-eaten black pudding, he shouldn't eat that, it's not healthy and it all came back to him like a big ball to his head a very heavy ball that gave him a blast of a headache. Jeanni did check her makeup before she got inside the office, she did pull her shirt down so that a perfectly normal neckline became quit slut-y and she kept leaning froward at Jeff and smiling at him but he didn't seem to mind, it's as if he was immune to her feminine charms still, she was desperate! "I went shopping today and I bought this AMAZING dress!" "uh –hmm" "it's black velvet" "O.K" "With a very big neckline….a very VERY big one" "Good for you" "Wouldn't you like to see me put it on?" "Maybe, sometime" "How about tonight?" Jeannis' ego couldn't bare more, he'll definitely react to THAT! "Tonight?!" Jeff looked confused…tonight, his date…with Death!!! Oh no, he will NOT be there! "We can meet somewhere Jeff, I've been thinking of that posh restaurant with the fake lake" "Ah! There, yes, I'll meet you there at, say, 8?" "Perfect!" she threw her net and there he was, captured!. Perhaps it was the hit that Jeffs' head suffered when he fainted and maybe the small trauma of Deaths' charm made him forget his original plans for that evening. "Great" muttered Jeanni, "Now what I need is to actually get a dress like that" she sighed outside the office.
Back at his rented room Death made himself as pretty as he could. This will be a normal date, a restourat, good food, a nice conversation and maybe a little snog at the moons' light but nothing more, that's how normal humans behave and he nearly forgot that. Marty appeared, still frightened he did 1 + 1 and realized why Death was so carefully preparing himself. "You'll never get what you want, he's the straightest creature in the world, lately he's quit interested in my fiancée, the basterd! " "Well then, you won't have to worry about that anymore after tonight!" why did he like getting bitchy at the poor ghost? After all he DID like him…. Somewhere deep inside he enjoyed cutting down Martys' feelings for his fiancée and hoped to turn them twards him. Deep down Death couldn't make up his mind between the attractive and charmingly immature Marty and the kind, good hearted, simple and normal man Jeff was but it was getting late and he didn't have the time to think of that.
The restaurant was indeed lovely: soft and bright light were mixed and matched to create a super-romantic atmosphere, Deaths' net for Jeff. The headwaiter led him to his table, as they walk Death noticed an amazing little booth. Floating gently on the fake lakes' water a booth surrounded by lovely vine that had climbed and covered the whole of the ceiling and sides of the booth. A charming little table with matching chairs stood in the middle. If the restaurant and super – romantic then the booth was super-duper-romantic "I'll have that booth there" "it'll be extra 10 pounds sir" 10 pounds?! Damn capitalists up for nothing but greed trying to ruin his lovely evening, Death burned with anger and yet took control over himself and stuffed the paper to the waiters' front pocket angrily, nothing will ruin his perfect evening. Sitting at the booth, Grim Reaper appeared behind Death. "Hmmm, what should it be?" she pretended she was a scale "Jeff, the good hearted normal mortal or the lovely man in white Marty?" "Oh Grim, do piss off!" Grim was Deaths' cheekiest worker. "Fine, but I warn you Deathy, someone is beginning to loose patience for your naughty ways". Death sneered "Let's say that, as before, you should stay away from triangles and hopefully THIS time you'll listen to this advice" she disappeared. Death truly couldn't care less, this power in his position had gone to his head a long time ago.
Not one minute after Grim dissapeard, appeared Jeanni, in a glittery dress (she couldn't find velvet but it was black and had a horrid neckline that kept her nipples from showing only by a miracle). Not unnoticed she sat at the table further away from Deaths' booth. "What on earth is that blond slut wearing?! I thought she already has a job…." Death enjoyed his bitching-from-a-distance remark but that was all forgotten when Jeff entered the restaurant. Dressed in his best shirt and cleanest pair of pants he still manager to look fit for the restaurant and quit cute to Death. Since Deaths' booth was just in front of the entrance Jeff saw Death immediately, the lights, the booth and the water sparkling at the back turned the demonic character into an angel awaiting him, Jeff took a step forward and then reality struck him, this is Death on earth a demonic creature who does the dirtiest of them all and is there, waiting to have a normal date with him?. Jeannis' shout at Jeff tore his eyes from the little booth and into Jeannis' neckline. Death watched his perfectly normal evening crushing as Jeff turned to the table of the blond slut. Marty appeared with a nasty grin on his face he lifted two fingers up in the air. Death simply pointed at Blond-Sluts' table and shoved two fingers of each hand up the air, Martys' grin vanished. That shall NOT happen! Jeff won't ruin HIS evening too, Marty had a plan. He charged at Jeanni, ready to posses her and dump Jeff to the dumpster but as he leaped at her he hit her and bounce back feeling the pain in his chest and belly. Jeanni was thrown forward and panicked "What was that?!" she screamed but Jeff paid no attention, the ring WORKED, it DID!!!! Marty couldn't be more confused, Deaths' words echoed in his head, he can't posses them no more, Death did something and now Jeff gets up and tells Jeanni to hold on, he'll just visit the mans' room, he tells Marty to follow him. At the loo Jeff grabs Marty by his white collar "Listen punk, you can't pull those old tricks anymore. From now on the slightest attempt to interfere my life and…" Jeff hit the mirror with his fist breaking it in a loud noise. Marty didn't know what to do anymore, fear and confusion made him want to burst into tears. When he left the loo Death was gone. On his way out, angry Death went by the headwaiter, pulling his 10 pounds from the front pocket. The waiter tried to say "Goodbye sir" with deep glee but what came out of his mouth was a piggish scream. That continued all night long.
Back at his rented room Death bitterly prepared for a long and boring evening of reading The Communist Manifesto by the god-knows-what time in bed. Marty took him by surprise. He looked grim, low, frightened and gray. Death didn't know what to do with himself, Martys' beauty still hit him hard and his low looks made him feel worried and yet terribly aroused, he only hoped to hide the erection that grew under his robe. "You can't have her anymore, better face it as quickly as possible and prevent more pain" Marty knew Death wasn't really in a happy mood either his pain and Deaths' somewhat caring and soft tone made Marty forget about this mornings' affair at the cafe. They stood so closely to each other, Marty felt lost in the great power beaming from Death, the mechanism that was made to make creatures such as ghosts pay respect twards Death worked in a completely new way. They kissed slowly, they hugged and Marty felt a bulge pressed against him just where he thought it would be, his body responded. Opening Deaths' robe Marty led his finger on Deaths' whide muscular chest, decorated by the tattoo of a triangle, half pink and half red. Closer they came to eachother as Death led Marty to the bed. The white suit was pealed quickly and Marty laid naked under Death in his robe and boxers. Death took some ice from a cup of ice tea he made himself moments ago and ran it over his lips, turning them ice cold. With those chilling lips he kissed Marty on every part of his body, Marty felt like every kiss send small electric currents into his body. For a ghost he never felt more vivid and alive. They kissed more and Death lay on the open legged Marty and started thrusting. Raising a bit Death created the perfect position for Martys' full pleasure of each thrust. Marty couldn't keep himself quiet, he never felt anything like this, he was in heaven and pleasure streamed down his body like a gushing river. Death grabbed hold of Martys' penis and by a few flicks Marty was done and so was he. They lay quietly and Marty felt warm and sleepy but Death wasn't about to just let him lie. He nibbled on Martys' ear until he was erecting again, then slowly inserted Marty into himself. The bed squeaked and creaked as Deaths' bounces and Martys' thrusts shook it but Martys' cries of pleasure overcame it quickly. Death didn't need manual help but he was practical, he grabbed a small decoration pillow and stuck it to himself before reaching orgasm ("Let the landlord deal with that later" he thought). Marty WAS tired when Death lay next to him, as a ghost Marty really didn't have more strength. The bed was too small and the two had to hug eachother, kissing passionately. Slowly Marty descended into a world of ghastly dreams.
The next morning he appeared at his office as usual only with a huge grin on his face. Jeff was already there, reading the daily paper. Jeffs' night wasn't as hot as his partners' was. After the meal him and Jeanni behaved (disappointingly to Jeannis' point of view) like two goodie-goodie children when Jeff accompanied Jeanni to her home. At the door they stopped, Jeanni leaned back sensually and gave Jeff her best bedroom eyes. Jeff was strangely blind to her hints. They did kiss, and for quit a long time but for some reason Jeff wasn't interested in more. Jeanni knew something was weird, the push in the restaurant, Jeffs seemed to be all over the place but not focused on her as she wanted.
Jeff didn't like the sight of his strangely happy partner, Marty had the silliest smile on his face and was clearly day-dreaming, what on earth happened to him?! After the scare he gave him last evening you'd think he'd pay more respect and attention but Marty didn't seem to be really there. Jeff felt something strange feeling due to Martys' strange behavior, he was angry and suspicious for some reason and this inconvenience launched him from the office like a rocket and off to the nearest kiosk. He bought some cigarettes and set down at a little table on the front of the kiosk unaware to who else set there, reading this mornings' paper, but he did look up to find out. Death pretended to read the newspaper but couldn't really, the angrily/ignoring face he tried to put on was a great successes thou. "Oh, god, right….ummm" Jeff was at a loss of words. His surprising lack of interest in Jeanni made him start thinking about yesterdays' events. How Death charmed him in the office and how the ring he was given wasn't something demonic at all but something he actually needed and his feelings twards Death changed, still there was the whole 'Death Apon Earth' to clear out. "I'm sorry, I know I wasn't very nice last night but…I had this talk with Marty and he said…." "That I was a demonic monster?" "No, he just said you were the guy who 'leads people through the long tunnel with the light in the end of it'" Death sighed, this whole Angel Of Death started to give him a headache. "That's not my job anymore! As soon as I got this Death job I gave that part to someone else, perhaps you've heard of her, the Grim Reaper?" "That's a she?" "That takes a she form on earth, god knows why…". Jeff was quiet, the poor man might know something about ghosts but he's definitely not ready for the whole story behind death. "Let's talk about it later, there are things I'd like to clear out for you" this human WILL see him at the right light decided Death, never mind how!. "Lets' sort it out on a dinner" Jeff smiled and touched Deaths' hand. They held hands, smiling at eachother.
When Jeff came back to the office, slightly lightheaded, he was ready to face Martys' strange behavior but he wasn't there, Jeanni was. She spoke of some case but Jeff only sat down and pretended to hear her out he couldn't wait for tonight. That night, waiting at the 10 pounds booth Death frowned at the expensive menu and made plans of nasty things to do to Jeff if he pulls the same trick he did last night. Grim reappeared, her face sirios this time. "You just don't get it do you chum?" Death sighed "can't I have a life?" "No you can't! You have manners too mister and proper behavior is one of them!" "Yeah, like the Greek god didn't do things like that" Jeff entered the restaurant and Death wanted to kick Grim away from there ASAP. "Remember when you insulted me and got those horns as a punishment?" Death still could feel the horrible headaches he had as the two silver horns grew out of his head a long time ago but he didn't care, 'tis been almost 30 years since he had anything fun, not including last night. "Please go away, I'll take responsibility over my deeds, trust me" Grim sighed and felt sad for him but she had someone to 'pick up' somewhere, she disappeared. Jeff was at the booth minutes after she disappears, that made him very confused. "Was that?…" "The Grim Reaper?, Yeah" "she looks just like Dawn French" "Who?!" "From….oh never mind I guess you don't get to watch much TV do you?" "I watch what's on the TV in the US, where I live, TV sucks there!!!" "You're American?" "Hell no!!!!…I sort of behaved badly so I was stationed there as a punishment" the memory of it started to spoil Deaths' happiness at this date and he wanted to get the topic over with. "Why? What did you do?" "I really don't want to talk about it, and I do have some explaining to do" he held Jeffs' hand and they both smiled again. "When did Marty talk to you about me?" Jeff tried to remember "At about half past ten" ah! That was before they had their conversation at the Soho cafe… then what DID he say that caused Jeff to fear him so much?. "What did he say about me?" "He said that you're the Angel of Death" shivers went trough Deaths' body and he began feeling sick, he hated himself for traumas like that "Please" he begged "Don't EVER call me that way, it wasn't me!" Jeff noticed Death was on the edge of crying and hurried to change the subject. "So, what do you do?" Death took a long breath and started explaining.
"First of all 'Death' is a job certain people get, in this job you're stationed in all sorts of places and gets sent out to missions, like this one. When I got this job I was afraid I might get traumatized by what I'd see if I'd do what Grim does so I asked for her help. That doesn't really matter, what I want you to know that I don't kill people or do anything demonic, if I was that nasty I wouldn't make sure Martys' not using you" Jeff leaned back smiling it was true. The conversation flowed and the evening passed by nicely, they both had a great time with each other.
"How about some coffee?" "I ran out of it" "How about my place? It's rented but there's coffee" Jeff couldn't hide his surprise at this early proposal, and yet "you never know how it is with the gay community" he thought. Death poured Hot water into the cup "Now all you have to wait for is the coffee to brew" Death smiled at Jeff, they looked deeply into each others' eyes and, drew nearer and nearer until they kissed. Marty was slightly frightened, he looked for Death everywhere and couldn't find him. When he let his gut feelings to lead him, another mechanism imprinted in him as a ghost, he appeared in Deaths' rented room. On the kitchen stool stood a cup of coffee, still full but no one seemed to be in. Only when he stepped into Deaths' bedroom he found Death, cuddling Jeff and whispering something to his ear, Jeffs' face were so red his ears seemed to burn. "You son of a…" Marty didn't even bother to end his sentence, Jeff started floating in the air, away from the bed and heading for the wall, he was about to be thrown into by Martys' powers. Death gave a shout "Marty! STOP!". Marty couldn't refuse as Death had a power over him and could cancel any of his actions and powers. Jeff fell to the floor and turned nearly as white as Martys' cloths. "How could you?! With him?! I thought you forgot about him I…" Marty seemed to be on the edge of crying, he shivered and looked miserable, he looked at Jeff and dissapeard. Jeff got up from the floor and had no idea what to do with himself. On the edge of the Limbo Marty tried to hide himself from everyone. Wyvern appeared next to him with a pity-full look on his face. "Death wasn't supposed to do that Marty, in fact, he's not supposed to do anything that isn't in his missions' plan and non of what he did since last night was supposed to happen". Marty didn't care, his heart was broken. Wyvern couldn't help noticing and yet he sensed something that might cheer Marty up. "What exactly broke your heart there Marty?" was Wyvern trying to rub it in?! "What do you think broke my heart?!" he was in a position that allowed him to be cheeky at Wyvern. "What I meant was that maybe it wasn't only Death that broke your heart….." Wyvern gave Marty his deepest meaningful look he could and waited until Marty will get the full meaning of what he said. Marty looked aside sobbing for a while and then lifted his head, he looked at Wyvern with shining eyes "But…what can I…." Wyvern hated Deaths' little schemes for multi-partnered sessions but he forced himself to encourage Marty into it, after all, he didn't want to be the boring teacher for Ghastly behavior.
Jeff finely drank his coffee. He was surprised at his bad mood, after all him and Marty weren't that close to eachother after last night, then why did he feel horribly guilty. Death sat near him trying to figure out what to do next, on one hand he could try and get Jeff to do what he had in mind but on the other hand he just ruined a very close friendship. Marty appeared in the room again, Jeff couldn't look into his eyes. Death made room between him and Jeff hintingly, Marty sat down there, trying not to sink into the bed. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I think I have something very important to tell you, Jeff" Jeff gathered all his courage and looked at Marty, he was surprised to meet a soft look and not an angry one. "I think that I wasn't only insulted by Death sleeping with you but….also….by you sleeping with Death" Jeffs' eyebrows flew up his forehead, he didn't except THAT. Wyverns' suspicions weren't based, Death didn't think of such a possibility but the idea excited him more then the vampires idea did, there was some chemistry between those two that lit a spark in Death, he was hard, very hard. "There's only one problem Marty, you're a ghost I can't feel what you're doing" "The ring Randal, the ring!" Deaths' patience began running out. Marty turned to Death and kissed him. Jeff started caressing Martys' leg, still not confident to get closer to Martys' crutch, so Death took his hand and placed it there. Jeff felt flattered to feel it was hot and hard. Now Marty and Jeff kissed softly, non-of them had guessed how fun that was and both wondered how come they never thought of this before. The kiss was a sight for sure eyes to Death he could hardly keep himself from coming, never in his life was he that excited by anything like that. Marty and Jeff held eachother tight and fell flat on the bed, they started running their hands all over their bodies without stopping the kiss, the bed grew under them to contain all three of them. They stopped kissing finally and looked at eachother lovingly, then they remembered Death, and he seemed to be somewhere else, he just stared at them with piercing eyes. The two detectives placed themselves at each side of Death and started undressing him, Jeff never thought he'd like a manly muscular body like that but right now he was so randy anything would arouse him. Death took Marty's jacket, tie and shirt off and dragged Jeff along with him to kiss Martys' chest. Marty breathed heavily and moaned as Jeff moved higher to nibble his ear and Death was at the same action on his nipples. Jeff got up to take his shirt off, when he did Death ran his hands all over his back and chest and kissed him. Marty appeared behind Jeff and started kissing his neck. That made Jeff start breathing heavily, Marty had opened his zipper and pealed the pants off from him. Death did the same thing to Marty and they took the underwear off of eachother. Jeff lay over Death that made room for himself to prepare for entrance. Marty and Jeff cooperated at opening Death tight pants and pulling them off (a tough job due to their tightness). "Shouldn't I…I mean...don't we need some…umm" Jeff was to embarrassed to say it out loud "A lubricator?" "Hmmm, Marty knows more then I thought he'd know" thought Jeff "You only need that if you're stressed or nervous, that's when you're contracting" Death and Marty looked at eachother with a knowing smile, Jeff felt conscripted but he soon forgot that: Marty started mending his manhood. He led himself into Death and was slightly lifted up by Marty who worked his way into Jeff without him even feeling it. The moving and noisy bunch on the squeaking bed grew closer and closer to orgasm and then reached it with even louder noise, then they all collapsed on eachother. Death had a big smile on his face, at the last minutes of the whole thing Jeff garbed his penis and started working it. "Wanna see what I learned last night?" Marty had a childish tone "What?". Marty turned Jeff around and spreaded his legs they kissed and Marty started running his tongue on Jeffs' body, slowly getting lower and lower. He went down on Jeff. Jeff ran his hands through Martys' hair and did so holding hands with Death after he too joined in. Death lifted Jeff and placed himself inside Jeff, making sure Marty wasn't gagged by Jeffs' continuous bounces. When Death was done it was Martys' turn. All along that they stared into each others' eyes and thought of all the time they've lost, denying what they felt twards eachother. Death sat back sneering quietly at the thought that once they both were fantasizing over that blond bitch, he came up with a vicious idea. Jeanni was washing her face when a vision appeared in the mirror showing Jeff and Marty, from the side, making love to eachother and a gut feeling reassured her that what she saw was true. She drew away from the mirror slowly, shocked, and ran to her bedroom, collapsing on the bad, shaking with tears and sobs. Back on Deaths' bed he giggled quietly at his bitchiness but he couldn't concentrate at that, infront of him hugged two fresh lovers a loving hug he looked at them, sadly and seriously. THE 'Morning After' Jeff and Marty woke up in each others' arms. On a stool next to the bed they found breakfast for Jeff and a letter:

Dear sweethearts,
I was warned before of what might happen to me if I will turn this mission into a love
triangle but I didn't listen. Don't worry, I'm happy I didn't.
I'm back at the US now and will probably set foot to England only after both of you
will be long gone, it's my punishment and I deserve it.
But what a wonderful crime I committed!
Don't feel sad, you still have eachother and if you'll stay together I'll make sure you'll
both keep being ghosts, forever together
Love, Death

They still felt a bit sad.
But it wasn't Friday, or Saturday or Sunday (Death was an atheist so he didn't give a… about holy days of rest) and they had to go to the office and get to work, but their world had changed, forever.

P.S: Jeanni DID take her ring off after Deaths' hypnotism warred off but not Marty, nor Jeff, had any intention to do anything about it…..